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Radio Kalahari Orkes


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The Radio Kalahari Orkes, led by IAN ROBERTS, has travelled the length and width of our country. No dorp they've ever visited will ever be the same.That, though, is a positive thing. No, seriously. Except for Pofadder, but we won't go there.

Irreverent, toe-tapping musiek that smells, tastes, and sounds like the veld, the air, and the windmill rhythm on the dusty landscape.

Music infused with the kick of mampoer jong!

Including the Accordion

Trekorrel (what are you thinking, man?),

the Violin/

Viool (this oke is capable of playing -tjoe),



Castanets (what?

Mouth Organ / Mondorrel (do you think your jokes are funny? ),

Bass /Bass and Penny Whistle.

Plus (of kohss) killer vocals to some classic songs from the past and present, sung by the lovely Krummelpoppie and the ouens.

A rainbow blend of Rock 'n' Roll, Ghoema, Latin, and Africana music.

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