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Enkromelle Andrew


Enkromelle is a resilience and leadership speaker who works with corporate teams across the globe to build and create winning work and life cultures.

Enkromelle is also among the most sought-after and celebrated corporate Master of Ceremonies in Africa. Having hosted numerous high-profile, corporate, b2b, and social events she continues to dazzle thousands through her energy and ability to connect with anyone!

Known for her electric stage presence, Enkromelle is a funny and phenomenal events host who has helped thousands of event planners create unforgettable experiences through precise execution as an events MC.Enkromelle brings over 10 years of experience hosting some of the biggest world conferences!


Compound Effect:

The tiny daily productivity habit that increases team efficiency


How to thrive in uncertain times and get unstuck!


A Guide To Building Emotionally Intelligent Teams

You got this:

The big magic in positive affirmations (that one motivational talk you’ve been waiting for!)

On Purpose:

How Intentional Interactions Create Winning Team Cultures

The Customisable Talk:

Tailored because a gown first measured fits best!


“She is impeccable and authentic!”

Abey – Mercedes Benz“

She is my consistent MC recommendation.”

Lungi – BCX“

What a powerhouse of a speaker!A total, total Rockstar!”

Liani – Alan Gray South Africa

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