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Ryan Stramrood

Western Cape

Ryan Stramrood: South African, Small Business Owner, Family Man and Average Joe.

However his hobby is Ultra Extreme Open Water and Ice swimming, and for deeply personal reasons, he has undertaken some of the world’s most extreme challenges. By pushing his limits and human boundaries in our planet’s most inhospitable places.

Ryan takes his audiences on a journey with him. Through story telling and strong visuals, he illustrates just how limited and governed we all are, in every aspect of our lives, by believing in our own limitations. How we under achieve in our comfort zones and how each and everyone of us can push past impossible.


“Ryan has spoken to the top echelons of nearly all the major financial institutions in South Africa, he has been featured in numerous industry magazines,– Listed as a key influencer in Kobus Kleyn’s  (CFP FPI) new book – “Passion for the Profession”.“I can quite confidently say that this was one of the best “motivational” speakers I have been fortunate enough to have seen in some time. His story is inspirational and extremely captivating, the journey he takes you through is both enjoyable and frightening. He delivers this with passion and a wholesomeness that resonated with all our retailers. I can highly recommend Ryan.”

– Mario Santana, Managing Director, The Spar Group Ltd (South Africa)”

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