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Wolfgang Riebe Speaker



South Africa’s most experienced international speaker with an iconic track-record of live appearances in over 165 countries, captures his audience within the first few seconds when he walks on stage. Few speakers ooze the authenticity, energy, and power that Wolfgang brings to the platform. His philosophy that life and business should be memorable and magical is shared through a treasure-chest of real-life practical knowledge gained through 30 years of experience as a speaker, author, adventurer, businessman, and illusionist.

A man that consistently rates top at meetings and events by delivering profoundly emotional and enriching lessons on logical thinking, cognitive brain function, organizational culture, and inspiration.


– Memorable Magical Moments are those occasions of wonder and bewilderment in life that remain forever cemented in your mind. This is the embodiment of great leadership

– emotional experience!

– Aha moments and thinking that is free from the shackles of operational complexity and unleash

-es new potential.

– My delegates experience first hand how to develop, accept, understand & internalize the power of logical thinking so that they can acknowledge and welcome inevitable change in the future.


If you are searching for a different, unique and highly inspiring keynote that will inspire your staff like never before, then Discover Your Magic is for you.

A talk based on real-life experience by someone who started with nothing and reached his dreams.

A talk to inspire hope, strength and help everyone to find direction again.

The talk is based on Wolfgang’s best selling book, and literally has delegates riveted to their seats as Wolfgang shares personal failures and successes in a down-to-earth approach that leaves people laughing and open to the lessons shared.

This keynote not only changes lives and inspires people, but is also based on simple principles that can be understood by all levels of staff within your organization.

Unlike other ‘feel-good’ keynotes, this one actually shares useable, practical life skills that everyone can apply immediately afterward in order to positively change their lives.


– Embracing cross-cultural differences.

– The skill of logic in achieving success.

– Discovering contentment within yourself.

– The role of laughter in coping with stress.

– Letting go of the past and learning to love.

– The importance of passion as a driving force.

– The power of the subconscious in achieving goals.

– Techniques and skills to help improve your awareness.


Through a neuroscientific approach, real-life experience plus academic research, Wolfgang shares and demonstrates the impact and behavior of the brain on how we think and communicate in our daily lives so that delegates can understand how to increase flexibility, improve communication, efficiency and effectiveness within their work environment and personal lives.

As an organization, your future performance is dependent on inspiring your employees to increasingly think out of the box and innovate. Conservation of current profit levels, achievement of KPIs, increased competition and the associated stress is impacting performance.

Simplifying complexity by understanding how the brain functions, enables your staff to recalibrate their thinking and apply this ‘know-how’.

This empowers employees to optimize their thinking by reaching a higher level of cognitive functioning that enables them to effectively achieve more in less time.


– Learn the power of logical thinking & how it can increase productivity.

– Understand how our brain interprets what we see and say, and how this affects our everyday thinking & behavior.

– Master strategic communication challenges in order to effectively connect with colleagues & customers.

– Understand the importance of the ‘why’ over the ‘what’ and the ‘how

’– Learn how to think out of the box.

– Understand the importance of passion in everything that you do.

– Messages reinforced with visual examples & illusions.


No matter how much money and time your company invests in training, nearly everything you teach your employees will be forgotten. Wouldn’t you like to change that?

Have you ever forgotten… What was said at yesterday’s meeting; your last appointment; an important date, names of new clients, including foreign names; a telephone number and important items on your ‘To Do’ list?

We are all Einsteins!

This is an exceptionally powerful practical keynote/workshop with immediate and long-lasting take-home value. Delegates leave the session being able to apply the new skill immediately!

Build proficient organizational associations where staff can recall comprehensive details and develop their brain fitness. Everyone will discover how the power of whole brain thinking can augment their capacity to conceptualize, associate, and continuouslyadvance cognitive function and memory to ultimately increase productivity.


– On completion, all skills can be applied immediately.

– Delegates acquire a new & unique level of competency.

– Maximises retention & engagement.

– Builds confidence & enhances self-worth.

– It is interactive and suitable for all levels of employees.

– Breaks down walls & enhances staff communication.

– The pace is relaxed, fun and enter-training.

– No notes are ever taken

– it’s all memory improvement.


Discover the untapped power of effective communication and how to craft compelling messages.

Presentation skills training is offered by many moderators, but how many actually have real-world international experience in over 165 countries speaking to over 1 million delegates live?

Did you know that the National Speakers Association of America awards the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation to only the topmost successful speakers?

It is seen as the doctorate of the speaking industry awarded to less than 800 professional speakers in the world… Wolfgang received it in 2012 and was voted as one of the Top 100 speakers in Europe in 2010.

When it comes to ‘walking your talk’ with over 1000 videos on YouTube and being a true experienced professional, Wolfgang teaches speakers to speak!

Whether your sales team, trainers, presenters or leadership team need to hone their speaking skills, this is one workshop your team cannot afford to miss.


– Helping you tell your story clearly and share innovative ideas effectively.

– Increasing confidence, self-awareness & presence.

– Voice control, understanding body language & conquering stage fright.

– The ability to read & take control of an audience.

– Effective use & application of presentation technology.

– Application of self-evaluation techniques.


Coca Cola:

“Truly amazing, relevant and very professional. Judging by the delegates reaction I think you did a superb performance.”


“Many thanks, the client was very happy.”


“A true professional and a joy to watch.”

DOW Europe:

“Thank you very much for your huge contribution at our seminar .


added ++++ value for our successful event!!

Rupert & Rothschild:

“Thank You so much for such an interesting workshop!


“You left us with a lot of very important thoughts.”


“You are really the one and only speaker that keeps the attention till your last word and also making it fun.

”Global Comms:

“It was fantastic working with you again. You lifted the spirits at all of our road-shows.”

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